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Folter und Todesstrafe drohen: Geplante Abschiebung des politisch Oppositionellen Francis Ddumba löst Entsetzen aus

Folter und Todesstrafe drohen:

Geplante Abschiebung des politisch Oppositionellen Francis Ddumba löst Entsetzen aus

Von Andreas Klamm, Nachrichten-Korrespondent

Nürnberg / Ansbach. 5. Mai 2009. Die geplante Abschiebung des politischen Flüchtlings Francis Ddumba aus Uganda, der sich zur Zeit in Deutschland befindet um Schutz und Asyl aufgrund politischer Verfolgung zu finden, sorgt für Entsetzen nicht nur im Unterstützerkreis für Francis Ddumba.

Informationen des Flüchtling- und Migrations-Hilfswerkes Caravane zufolge, wurde der politische Flüchtling Francis Ddumba aus Uganda in der Nacht vom 27. April zum 28. April in der Gemeinschafts-Unterkunft Dietenhofen bei Ansbach von deutschen Behörden verhaftet und befindet sich seit diesem Zeitpunkt in Abschiebe-Haft in der Justizvollzugsanstalt (JVA) Nürnberg.

Zuvor soll sich der Mann mit einem weiteren politischen Angehörigen der Opposition in Uganda in den Gefängnissen von Stuttgart-Stammheim und in Berlin in Deutschland befunden haben und sei nach internationalen Medien-Berichten während der Haft in deutschen Gefängnissen Opfer psychologischer Folter in Deutschland geworden.

Francis Ddumba wird zum Vorwurf gemacht, er gehöre der Opposition in Uganda der People Redemption Army (PRA) an. Das Gericht, das die Verhaftung des Mannes in Deutschland anordnete verweigere, so die Informationen des Flüchtlings- und Migrations-Hilfswerkes Caravane, dem Mann und dessen Anwalt die Akten-Einsichtnahme zur Klärung der Umstände über seinen Folgeantrag zur Gewährung des politischen Asyls in Deutschland.

Der oppositionelle politische Aktivist solle vermutlich am Freitag, 8. Mai 2009 nach dem Willen der deutschen Behörden nach Uganda abgeschoben werden. Dort droht Francis Ddumba die Folter und die Todesstrafe wegen angeblichem Hochverrat.

Obgleich ein beglaubigter Haftbefehl wegen Hochverrat aus Uganda für Francis Ddumba, mehrere eidesstattliche Versicherungen seiner Schwester und mehrere Zeitungs-Berichte auch aus Uganda vorliegen, behaupte das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) und die Ausländerbehörde in Ansbach bei Nürnberg, dass keine Beweise für die Echtheit der Dokumente vorliegen würden, so die Flüchtlings-Hilfe-Organisation.

Man habe Unterstützern, Unterstützerinnen und dem Anwalt von Fracis Ddumba den Zutritt zur JVA in Nürnberg und die Kontaktaufnahme mit dem politischen Aktivisten der Opposition in Uganda verwehrt.

Die Flüchtlings- und Migranten-Hilfs-Organisation Caravane hat daher zur Unterstützung für den oppositionellen politischen Aktivisten Francis Ddumba öffentlich aufgerufen und bittet nun auch Menschen in Deutschland sich für den Schutz des Lebens des Mannes mittels Fax und email an das Gericht und die Behörden in Ansbach bei Nürnberg zu engagieren, damit die drohende Folter und die Hinrichtung des Mannes bei drohender Todesstrafe nach einer Abschiebung aus Deutschland verhindert werden können.

In einer Pressemitteilung veröffentlichte die Hilfs-Organisationen folgenden Text-Vorschlag und bittet diesen an die Behörden und Gerichte in Deutschland zu schicken.

Name ____________________
Ort ____________________

An das
Landratsamt Ansbach, Faxnr. : (0981) 468662
Ausländeramt Ansbach, Tel.: (09814) 68332
Verwaltungsgericht Ansbach, Richter Weingarten
Tel: 0981 / 1804-0 Fax: 0981 / 1804-271 E-
JVA Aschaffenburg, Tel: (06021) 364-0, Fax: (06021) 364-110,

Protest gegen die Abschiebung von Francis Ddumba

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

mit diesem Schreiben setze ich mich für Francis Ddumba ein, er ist politischer Flüchtling aus Uganda und sitzt seit Ende April in Abschiebehaft.

Er gehört zur Opposition in Uganda, ihm werden dort Kontakte zur PRA (Peoples Redemption Army) nachgesagt. Sein Asylantrag wurde jedoch abgelehnt, wie jetzt auch sein Folgeantrag. Das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge behauptet, es gäbe keine Beweise für die Echtheit der Dokumente, die seine Verfolgung belegen sollen. Er hat um diese Beweise zu beschaffen u.a. einen Anwalt in Uganda beauftragt.

Es gibt mehrere Zeitungsartikel aus Uganda über ihn, die allerdings momentan nur als Kopien oder online vorliegen. Des weiteren liegt ein beglaubigter Haftbefehl gegen ihn wegen Hochverrats vor, samt eidesstattlicher Erklärungen seiner Schwester.

Berichte von Human Rights Watch bestätigen Folter an politischen Gefangenen durch die Anti-Terror-Einheit JATT bis zum heutigen Tag.


Davon unbeeindruckt zeigen sich das BAMF und das zuständige Ausländeramt in Ansbach. Bevor er oder sein Rechtsanwalt von der Ablehnung seines Folgeantrages unterrichtet wurden, wurde er in der Nacht vom 27. auf den 28. April in der Gemeinschaftsunterkunft in Dietenhofen bei Ansbach festgenommen.

Selbst das Gericht, das seine Inhaftierung genehmigte, verweigerte ihm die Einsicht in seinen eigenen Ablehnungsbescheid. Der Anwalt hat am 30. April einen Eilantrag und Klage eingereicht.

Francis wurde in die JVA in Nürnberg direkt in den “Schub”, die letzte Abteilung für Abschiebegefangene mit erhöhten Sicherheitsbedingungen verlegt und soll am 5. Mai nach Aschaffenburg gebracht werden. Von dort aus soll er nach dem Willen der Behörden vermutlich am Freitag, den 8. Mai von Frankfurt aus nach Uganda abgeschoben werden. UnterstützerInnen wurde der Besuch verwehrt, selbst der Anwalt durfte nicht zu ihm und niemand hat bisher den genauen Abschiebetermin erfahren.

Francis Ddumba wäre im Falle einer Abschiebung in akuter Gefahr, wegen Hochverrat angeklagt und gefoltert zu werden. Auf Hochverrat steht in Uganda die Todesstrafe.

Der Versuch ihn abzuschieben, ist nicht zu akzeptieren.

Es ist ein zynisches Spiel und nicht hinzunehmen, wenn so mit politischen Flüchtlingen umgegangen wird. Ich trete deshalb ausdrücklich dafür ein, dass Francis Ddumba aus der Abschiebehaft entlassen wird und ein dauerhaftes Aufenthaltsrecht erhält.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,“

Empfehlung des Textes der Flüchtlings- und Migranten-Hilfsorganisation Caravane, die sich für die Unterstützung und ein Bleiberecht des politischen Aktivisten Francis Ddumba einsetzt.

Weitere nationale und internationale Medien-Berichte:

Human Rights Watch, United States of America and Africa Research:
Daily Monitor Uganda:
The Voice Refugee Forum:

Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters

Special coverage on Democracy NOW: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929-1968

Special coverage on Democracy NOW: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929-1968

By Andreas Klamm

Washington, D.C. / New York City/January 19, 2009/Democracy NOW!/– The independent television and radio program Democracy NOW! hosted by the award winning broadcast journalist and author Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez will air today a special program to honor the Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Today is Martin Luther King Day. He was born 80 years ago, on January 15th, 1929. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968, at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. He was just thirty-nine years old.

Tomorrow, more than four decades after Dr. King’s death, Barack Obama will take his oath of office to become the 44th president of the United States and the first African American president in US history. The Reverend Joseph Lowery, a civil rights icon who co-founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Dr, King, will deliver the benediction at the inauguration ceremony. Obama accepted the Democratic party nomination on the 45th anniversary of Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, arguably his most famous address.

While Dr. King is primarily remembered as a civil rights leader, he also championed the cause of the poor and organized the Poor People”s Campaign to address issues of economic justice. Dr. King was also a fierce critic US foreign policy and the Vietnam War.

Democracy NOW! will provide a special coverage about the presidential inauguration ceremony tomorrow on January, 20, 2009.

Democracy NOW! can be seen on more than 700 TV station and heard on about 250 radio stations and on the internet on

Democracy NOW! is hosted by Amy Goodman, award winning journalist and author of three hard-hitting books, such as “Standing up to the madness”, which she has written with David Goodman. In December 2008 Amy Goodman has received the Right Livelihood Award which is known as the alternative Nobel prize.

Special coverage on Democracy NOW: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929-1968

Special coverage on Democracy NOW: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929-1968

By Andreas Klamm

Washington, D.C. / New York City/January 19, 2009/Democracy NOW!/– The independent television and radio program Democracy NOW! hosted by the award winning broadcast journalist and author Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez will air today a special program to honor the Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Today is Martin Luther King Day. He was born 80 years ago, on January 15th, 1929. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968, at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. He was just thirty-nine years old.

Tomorrow, more than four decades after Dr. King’s death, Barack Obama will take his oath of office to become the 44th president of the United States and the first African American president in US history. The Reverend Joseph Lowery, a civil rights icon who co-founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Dr, King, will deliver the benediction at the inauguration ceremony. Obama accepted the Democratic party nomination on the 45th anniversary of Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, arguably his most famous address.

While Dr. King is primarily remembered as a civil rights leader, he also championed the cause of the poor and organized the Poor People”s Campaign to address issues of economic justice. Dr. King was also a fierce critic US foreign policy and the Vietnam War.

Democracy NOW! will provide a special coverage about the presidential inauguration ceremony tomorrow on January, 20, 2009.

Democracy NOW! can be seen on more than 700 TV station and heard on about 250 radio stations and on the internet on

Democracy NOW! is hosted by Amy Goodman, award winning journalist and author of three hard-hitting books, such as “Standing up to the madness”, which she has written with David Goodman. In December 2008 Amy Goodman has received the Right Livelihood Award which is known as the alternative Nobel prize.

Frohe Fest- und Feiertage !

Frohe Fest- und Feiertage !

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Andreas Klamm, Journalist, TV Produzent, Autor

wünschen Ihnen allen

Frohe Fest- und Feiertage, ungeachtet dessen welches Fest auch immer Sie feiern sollten und ein gutes Neues Jahr !

Andreas Klamm, Journalist, TV Producer

Recipients of the Right Livelihood Award have arrived in Sweden

Recipients of the Right Livelihood Award have arrived in Sweden

By Andreas Klamm from SWEDEN

New York / Stockholm, Sweden/ 8, 2008/– This is Andreas Klamm, journalist and news correspondent for Radio IBS Liberty from the city of STOCKHOLM in SWEDEN which is known as one the most beautiful cities in Europe.

While the entire world is watching the events about the NOBEL PRIZE this week in Stockholm, Radio IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty is going to deliver news, information, photographs and a television program related with the events to the ALTERNATIVE NOBEL PRIZE as known as the Right Livelihood Award in Sweden.

A couple from India and three precious ladies which have taken part in an important role in social transformation have been awarded for the Right Livelihood Award in 2008.

The recipients of the award have arrived recently in Sweden and will be honoured tonight.

Krishnammal and Sankaralingam Jagannathan and her husband from LAFTI , India are going to receive the Right Livelihood Award …for two long lifetimes of work dedicated to realising in practice the Gandhian vision of social justice and sustainable human development, for which they have been referred to as ‘India’s soul’.”

Amy Goodman , one of the best journalists, broadcast journalists and authors in this world is going to receive the award “…for developing an innovative model of truly independent political journalism that brings to millions of people the alternative voices that are often excluded by mainstream media.”

She is the first journalist ever, which going to receive the Right Livelihood Award as known as ALTERNATIVE NOBEL PRIZE.

Amy Goodman has been unlawful arrested while covering events related to the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, United States of America.

Asha Hagi , from Somalia will be honored “…for continuing to lead at great personal risk the female participation in the peace and reconciliation process in her war-ravaged country.”

Dr. Monika Hauser, born in Switzerland which holds an Italian Passport will receive the award for “…for her tireless commitment to working with women who have experienced the most horrific sexual violence in some of the most dangerous countries in the world, and campaigning for them to receive social recognition and compensation.”

The award ceremony will be held tonight in the Swedish Parliament. The ceremony will be attended by many honourable guests, Members of the Parliament and journalists from the around the world. Founder and Chairman of the Right Livelihood Award is Mr. Jakob von Uxekuell a former member of the European Parliament.

The recipients will share the PRIZE money of two million SWEDISH KRONOR or crowns, approximately about 310.000 U.S. Dollar. The money is not be used for personal purpose but to continue the work in projects of social transformation.

The Democracy Now Team will broadcast live from Sweden. For the live program go to

IBS Television Liberty will provide a special coverage on television by next week on with LIBERTY AND PEACE NOW!

This was Andreas Klamm, journalist and news correspondent from the city of Sweden in Stockholm for IBS Television Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty and MJB Mission News.

Distributed by / IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty, international service, SWEDEN, INTLLINK,

Amy Goodman to receive Right Livelihood Award

Amy Goodman on her educational program Democracy NOW! Democracy NOW! broadcast daily Monday to Friday. For more information go to: Photo:

Amy Goodman to receive Right Livelihood Award

By Andreas Klamm, journalist, broadcast journalist and author of Liberty and Peace NOW!

Washington D. C. / New York City / London/Stockholm/October 28, 2008. The international and excellent journalist which is known as one of the world best top journalists, authors and broadcast journalists has been awarded to receive the Right Livelihood Award on December 8 , 2008 by the Right Livelihood Award Foundation in Stockholm in Sweden.

Amy Goodman will share the right Livelihood Award with four other woman which have been taking part in a vital role of social transformation.

The three other women which will receive also the Right Livelihood Award 2008 are

Krishnammal and Sankaralingam Jagannathan / LAFTI (India)

“…for two long lifetimes of work dedicated to realising in practice the Gandhian vision of social justice and sustainable human development, for which they have been referred to as ‘India’s soul’.”

Asha Hagi (Somalia)

“…for continuing to lead at great personal risk the female participation in the peace and reconciliation process in her war-ravaged country.”


Monika Hauser (Germany)

“…for her tireless commitment to working with women who have experienced the most horrific sexual violence in some of the most dangerous countries in the world, and campaigning for them to receive social recognition and compensation.”

Amy Goodman will be honored for “…for developing an innovative model of truly independent political journalism that brings to millions of people the alternative voices that are often excluded by mainstream media.

Presented annually in Stockholm at a ceremony in the Swedish Parliament, the Right Livelihood Award is usually shared by four recipients. One of them may receive an Honorary Award, given to a person or group whose work the Jury wishes to recognize but who is not primarily in need of monetary support. The others share the prize money of 2,000,000 Swedish kronor (approximately USD 310,000). The prize money is for ongoing successful work, never for personal use.

The media is sometimes called the fourth power in a democracy. But in many countries of the world such as for example Germany, Iran, Iraq, China, North Korea and many others the media is today no longer willing or able to play this role. Instead it defers to commercial and political interests, thus eroding democracy and destroying elementary and fundamental vital parts of a democracy such as the freedom the press, liberty, peace, free speech and justice.

With Democracy Now!, Amy Goodman has shown what the alternative to this dangerous trend can look like. Democracy Now! is the largest public media collaboration in the U.S. which is now available to people seeking alternative viewpoints around the globe.


Amy Goodman was born in 1957, graduated from Harvard in 1984 and became news director at the New York radio station WBAI a few years later. In 1996 she launched the daily one-hour news broadcast Democracy Now!, which she now hosts with Juan Gonzalez, and which is produced live from 08.00 to 09.00 US EST.

Unembedded reporting

Democracy Now! focuses on issues its producers consider under-reported or ignored by mainstream news coverage, like global news or reporting on anti-war activism in the U.S. It provides hard-hitting, independent, breaking coverage of war and peace, U.S. domestic and foreign policy, and struggles for social, racial, economic, gender and environmental justice in the U.S. and abroad.

Democracy Now! seeks to give voice to the voiceless. Its broadcasts include:

  • in-depth interviews with community members, activists, academics, artists and journalists shut out by the mainstream media,

  • debates between activists and people in power,

  • investigative reports and exclusive interviews with usual and controversial guests,

  • and on-the-ground reporting from protests, the recent conventions and hot spots round the world.

Democracy Now! – Facts and figures

Democracy Now! is the fastest growing independent news program in the United States of America . The educational program is now syndicated to more than 700 radio and TV, satellite and cable TV networks in North America reaching millions of people worldwide.

Democracy Now! is produced by seven producers, 20 full-time and 15 paid part-time staff as well as many volunteers. Broadcast daily as an hourly TV show, but with its founding on radio, it is produced in such a way that the stories never rely on the pictures, which allows it to be sent out as a radio show on community radio stations all over the US.

Democracy Now! has an outreach team working to encourage communities to demand that their community radio stations transmit the program.

Democracy Now!’s innovative technical solutions allow for high usability for any kind of audience. There is ‘close captioning’ for deaf people and numerous voluntary transcribers produce full transcripts of the show. On the website, there are different types of streams and downloads, e.g. audio files, but also high-quality video files that are sent out, for example, by a Japanese TV channel once a week. Democracy Now! also keeps a complete archive of all its shows, which people can research for free.

Democracy Now! receives no government or corporate funding. Because of its educational mission, it has charitable status according to US law (501c3). Major organizational donors have been the Lannan Foundation and the Wallace Global Fund. Significant contributions also come from listeners themselves.

What Amy Goodman is calling Trickle-up journalism”

Amy Goodman describes Democracy Now! as ‘trickle-up journalism’, because the stories it runs are often taken up by the mainstream media and her interviewees are very often interviewed by other channels after they have appeared on Democracy Now! Thus, the significance of Democracy Now! goes beyond the show as such: It also serves to open up the media landscape, acting as a ‘conveyor belt’ for stories that otherwise would not reach the mainstream media.

Awards and books received by Amy Goodman

Amy Goodman’s awards include the Golden Reel for the Best National Documentary for ‘Drilling and Killing: Chevron and Nigeria’s Oil Dictatorship’ in 1998, and the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Prize for ‘Massacre: the Story of East Timor’. This story had almost cost her life: In East Timor, she survived a massacre in 1991 in which Indonesian soldiers gunned down 270 Timorese people.

The journalist, author and broadcast journalist has also written three hard-hitting books with her brother, David Goodman: The Exception to the Rulers (2004); Static: Government Liars, Media Cheer-leaders and the People who Fight Back (2006); and Standing up to the Madness (2008). She also syndicates a column to national papers.

Democracy Now! is broadcast daily from 8-9am EST/1-2pm GMT. To watch today’s show and for a list of international and domestic stations that carry DN!, please go to

Quotation: What Amy Goodman has said about the Right Livelihood Award

“I am completely honored to have my work and the work of my colleagues held in such high regard, it makes me realize how important the work of bringing a truly independent voice to broadcast news and journalism really is. I really believe in free speech and independent journalism as a tool for peace, for understanding. It is so important, especially during times like these, that the media hold the politicians feet to the fire… we all need the real answers, the truth as best we can. This is why I get up every morning and go to the red firehouse we broadcast from everyday, still as excited as my first day at Democracy Now! over 12 years ago.”

Amy Goodman

The murder and killing of independent journalists fighting for liberty and democracy

Not all journalists which do publish alternative and independent reports do receive an award. Many of these journalists instead of receiving awards have been murdered. According to the Committee to Protect Journalist in 2008, 33 journalists have been killed. In 2007 according to information in the USA a number of 67 journalists have been killed.

The International Press Institute in Europe knows already about 37 journalists which been murdered in the year 2008. In the years 2007 93 journalists have been killed according to the International Press Institute.

Reporters without borders knows about the death of 34 journalists in 2008 while 126 journalists are imprisoned. About so called 93 “cyber dissidents” and 9 media assistant staff do serve in prison for simply speaking out a part of the truth for laboring for liberty, democracy and peace.

Article 18

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


UNITED NATIONS, New York City, United States of America, 1948

Source: Right Livelihood Foundation, Sweden.

IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty and IBS Television Liberty is supporting international understanding since 1986.


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